At times, proofreading simply isn’t good enough for global marketing text, where creativity and a full understanding of the source and target language is a must in order to convey the full meaning of your message. Translators are not necessarily good editors, and editors are not necessarily good transcreation specialists. That’s why different skillsets are required for each specific task.
Proofreading is essential to producing flawless translations, no matter the size or complexity of your project. Localsoft proofreads all projects prior to delivery. This is a standard part of our translation service and its cost is included in our quoted price per translated word.
There are times when proofreading isn’t enough, and an editor is required to revise the content, edit and rewrite copy to improve the readability of the translated text where necessary. Editing requires a different skillset and is highly recommended to provide your translated text with an expert touch of quality.
Transcreation is the process of adapting a message to a different language while maintaining its context, style, tone and intent. A successful transcreated message evokes the same emotions and carries the same implications in the target language as it does in the source language. Transcreation is used in global marketing and advertising campaigns as advertisers seek to transcend the boundaries of culture and language. It also takes images into account, which are used in a creative message, ensuring that they are suitable for the target market.
Localsoft goes the extra mile for all our clients to guarantee the finest translations available. Whether you prefer proofreading, editing or transcreation, our Quality Assurance procedures guarantee your full satisfaction.
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